Zach Emig

Current Occupation
Bond trader
Previous Occupation
Software engineer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998, SB in Computer Engineering
University of Michigan Business School, 2005, MBA in Finance
Organizational Affiliation
Staten Island Democratic Association
Democrats of Richmond County
Citizens Union
Candidate Statement
Friends, I wish this election were about implementing economic justice, passing universal healthcare, decriminalizing marijuana, and jailing opioid CEOs. But before any of those critical issues can be addressed, our country must face up to the disaster in the White House. As I teach my 8 year old twins, you cannot ignore or procrastinate a problem away, you have to face it, head-on. That is why, as your next congressman, I will relentlessly pursue the proper, moral, constitutional remedy to this President’s flagrant misconduct: impeachment.
When a President swears an Oath to the people to “faithfully execute” his duties and “defend the Constitution”, and then repeatedly, publicly, flagrantly does the opposite, it’s Congress’ duty to remove him. If you want a Democrat whose response to Presidential malfeasance is limpid statements of "outrage", vote for one of the other guys. I believe in action. I believe our democracy deserves no less.