Paul Sperling

Current Occupation
Property Manager
Wagner High School
BA, Political Science, College of Staten Island
Organizational Affiliation
Staten Island Berniecrats
Staten Island Progressive Action Network
Prior Public Experience
Community Organizer
Candidate Statement
Paul Sperling is a born and raised Staten Islander running to represent our community in the United States House of Representatives.
At 25 years old, Paul would be the youngest Democrat in Congress in over 20 years. He was deeply inspired by Bernie Sanders' candidacy for President, and Bernie's call for young people to stand up and run for office.
Paul believes that it is morally wrong for a few billionaires to have so much while thousands in our community can not even afford basic health-care.
Paul brings young energy, fresh ideas, and a new pair of eyes to the problems that have been plaguing our community for too long.
In Congress, Paul will make sure every American can see a doctor when sick, and get the best treatment available by passing Medicare for All, reduce the commute by connecting Staten Island to the Subway System, reduce class sizes by funding the construction of new schools, and foster a prosperous local economy by bringing careers to our communities.