EspañolNo existe una traducción oficial en español del contenido especificado en la Guía para Votantes.
한국어선택하신 유권자 안내서 내용에 대한 공식 한국어 번역이 없습니다.
বাংলাএকটি অফিসিয়াল অনুবাদকৃত ভোটার গাইডের নির্দিষ্ট সূচিপত্র বাংলাতে পাওয়া যাবে না
Congressional District 11 — Conservative
*The Conservative party will hold a write-in contest (known as an "opportunity to ballot primary") in the 11th Congressional district. Dan Donovan’s name will appear on the ballot along with a space to write-in another name. Any voter living in the district who is enrolled in the Conservative Party may cast a ballot on June 26.