1. What is the most important issue in City Council District #12 you would address if elected?
Education - As a public School Parent, Learning Leader and School Bd member (CEC11) we have to make our schools a priority by reducing class size, making our schools safe, getting the C4E monies, and increase funding for after-school programs.
Public Safety – The increase in crime, robberies, murder, and gun violence demonstrates the need for increase police and patrols in our neighborhood. NYCHA need repairs, and cameras for better surveillance.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Affordable housing,Faith Based Initiatives, Workforce Programs, Womens Issues, Senior Services, Youth Center, BID. Maintain MTA bus service (#26, #28, #38) for Co-op City & restoration of the #41.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I am not a career politician. I have the broadest public and community service experience. I live and work in District 12, and have been helping parents, seniors and youth get the city services and resources they need. I am a member of Comm. Bd 12, School Bd CEC11. I have testified at City Council and PEP hearings to voice concerns on the Dept of Educ. policies and practices. I participated and supported the protest marches of “Living Wage”, “Stop & Frisk”, Walk on Wall Street, Walk on the DOE. I know I can make our neighborhood a better place to live, by getting results in City Hall and improving our quality of life.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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